Friday 15 June 2012

Found Poetry

on how government works
Layoffs at GM
 Shut down
 Of the consolidated line
 At its Oshawa assembly plant next year
 Resulting in up to 2000 job losses
 Questioning the health of the manufacturing sector.

The Cancelled Mississauga Gas Plant
 Dalton McGuinty announced
 Cancellation of a controversial gas plant
 Ontario Power Authority, offered an American hedge fund $82 million
 To settle a $300 million lawsuit brought
 Against the government for cancelling the project.
 The offer was rejected,
 Prompting questions
 What the final price tag will be.
Mercury Poisoning at Grassy Narrows
 Residents of Grassy Narrows, Ontario
 Still suffering the effects of mercury poisoning
 40 years after a chemical and pulp mill
 Dumped  mercury into a local river.
 Contaminated the fish stocks in the English-Wabigoon river
 Commercial fishing operations were shut down 4 decades ago
 New Cases of mercury poisoning continue to emerge.

§  For interactive tools on how government works: Civics 101
§  For complete program archives: Queen's Park This Week | Question Period
§  Follow: @TVOCivics

Big Ideas

Hungarian philosopher
political activist,
Gaspar Tamas,
delivers a lecture
The Failure of Liberal Democracy
in Eastern Europe
and Everywhere Else.

Hod Lipson
 discusses the future of 3-D printing
 Programmable Matter: The Shape of Things to Come

Dr. Allen J. Frances presents Diagnostic Inflation: Does Everyone Have a Mental Illness?

My prose from
Googled FPR
Found Poetry Revue
Reading Sarah Palin
Remixed, reworded
Collage of words
Arranged on a page
Appealing not just to the author’s wit
Recognizing another political dimwit
Reading between the lines

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