Wednesday 6 June 2012

creative writing course

Reflect on your journey as a writer. What has this course taught you about yourself. Has this course expanded your writing style?

     I have always seen myself as an educator, but it is boring, explaining to each client about their adrenals, spleen, Candida, auto-toxicity, ad nauseum. I have a unique voice and viewpoint on many subjects including health, foreign, and monetary policies, politics, and I recognize the need for a soapbox. Friends, clients and relatives have encouraged me to write a book, magazine articles, audio podcasts, website or blog… get the message out. Stop preaching to the choir, harness your potential, reach out to people with differing viewpoints. My excuses typically, “But I don’t have the time, I have zero computer skills, I don’t type, I’m tired”, have made me question my potential and vocation.
     We are meant to shine, illuminate, teach the younger generations. Some of us are meant to be more orthodox, others more traditional educators. Some of us wear white, others black hats and some infinite shades of grey, while others rainbow or even no hats at all. I avoided high school’s indoctrination and chose the counter-culture’s message of Timothy Leary, “Turn on, tune in and drop out.”

     In order to cope with the high school boredom I worked 25 hours a week at the post office sorting mail, 5-10pm Monday to Friday, 1965-1969. Weekends were spent partying, travelling and cramming. I was accepted by U of T. High school was an exercise in memorize verbatim. University challenged paradigms and questioned authority.

      Marshall McLuhan’s department brought in Timothy Leary to speak and inspire when I attended 40plus years ago. Long lineups awaited Northrup Frye’s lectures on the Bible and Blake, standing room only at Emmanuel. Donald Chant headed up Pollution Probe, Pomeranz taught neurobiology, I was intoxicated by the avalanche of fresh ideas. I revelled in so much freedom of thought. I took it for granted that free thinking would challenge authority forever; I was wrong.

      I am disappointed that young women know nothing of herstory of feminist thought and literature. Curiosity is dead and education now represents debt and career opportunities. I love documentaries; I recognize there is a niche for discussions on the dilemmas we face.

      Previously I wrote lab reports and essay assignments with deadlines and marking schemes. I have never taken a course in creative journaling. I love these reading assignments and the discussions that follow. These remarkable writers encouraged fresh  thinking especially when first published. I trust that I could hone this skill and apply it to a blog and join the internet revolution. Many voices, many pinpoints of light may yet illuminate darkness and ignorance.


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