Monday 18 June 2012

About Light, Dark and Negative Space

.Negative space contrasts a light image in art and photograghy, with pure blackness.
     However  something happened. The Big Bang postulates Light, Energy and Elements accelerated outward, filling the Void, the emptiness of space. Photons and gaseous elements forced forward into the unknown. The analogy, that Light illuminates darkness. Knowledge dispels ignorance. Photons are tiny packets of uncharged electrons, vibrating specific wavelengths, that touch and transform. Matter evolves into receptive participants absorbing and transforming this energy, captured in chloroplasts, into oxygen and carbohydrates, further transforming the planet.
     Darkness is simply the absence of Light. Blackholes, however have gravitational pull, sucking in the light and matter, destroying entire solar systems. Insatiable, they are a mystery to cosmologists.
Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and tends to accelerate the expansion of the universe, In the standard model of cosmology, dark  energy currently accounts for 73% of the total mass-energy of the universe.[ According to Wikipedia2 Lambda-CDM model].
     It is postulated that the expanding universe is like the skin of a balloon and can be twisted into shapes. The dark energy is what is inside the balloon.
     Consciousness, similar to light has different wavelengths and qualities depending  from which body radiates the consciousness. The qualities of light we absorb, also effect the quality of  awareness. Hormones, like melatonin secreted by the pineal gland  and neurotransmitters depend on circadian rhythms. Sunlight activates vitamin D, an essential hormone, in the skin much more efficiently than through diet or supplementation. One function of Vitamin D acts on intestines aiding absorption of minerals, like calcium and magnesium.
     Truly living in Light is preferable to living in Darkness. Ask anyone suffering from SAD, Seasonal Effective Disorder, a yearly cycle of disrupted thinking and hormones caused by the shorter days every fall. Millions suffer from SAD,  shift work,  working and playing  inside,  avoiding natural sunlight;  we damage our health.
     In art and photography,  light and dark add  not only visual contrast but symbolic,  archetypical reference to satisfy a need to see the shadow and the light that bleeds into it.

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